Siling Kite Team 西嶺風箏隊

Soaring into the Sky

Written by Wang Ke-bin

Origin and Evolution

In 2000, then-principal of our school, Mr. Chen Lianxin, served as a judge for the kite competition at the Nantou County Folk Sports Competition. This inspired him to initiate kite-flying lessons at our school and explore the possibility of developing it into a school specialty. This idea and action marked the beginning of the continuous kite-flying activities at our school to this day.

Principal Chen’s promotion of kite-flying was a deliberate effort, but it was teacher Liu Xixun’s unparalleled enthusiasm that allowed this familiar yet somewhat foreign folk sport to thrive at our school. From initial exploration and trial to seeking advice from master Principal Hou Shunzheng in Yunlin County, to creating an independent system of kite-making, teacher Liu Xixun demonstrated that kite-making has no limits. As long as you grasp the techniques, any idea in your mind can be transformed into a kite, guiding us to soar and connect with the skies!

Due to his outstanding teaching performance, our school has repeatedly won honors in the Nantou County Folk Sports Competitions. Despite these achievements, teacher Liu Xixun did not rest on his laurels. Along with teachers Zhang Jiawei, Shi Kunhua, and Director Li Xinqi, he extended our school’s kite-flying lessons beyond the county. They not only achieved excellent results in the Zhongzheng Cup Folk Sports Competition but were also invited to participate in various kite festivals, earning numerous accolades. These achievements have not only made teacher Liu Xixun well-known in the field of kite teaching and creation but also firmly established kite-flying as one of our school’s specialties.

Later, due to the reconstruction of the school buildings, a unique kite-flying teaching exhibition hall, the only one in Taiwan located in an elementary school, was planned by then Director of Teaching Li Xinqi, coordinated by Director of General Affairs Jian Guangcan, and actively participated in by teacher Liu Xixun. The exhibition hall was officially opened on December 27, 2002. Since its completion, it has received many visitors, such as educational tour groups from Beijing Normal University and Hsinchu’s private Daohe Education Institution, all of whom have praised the kite-flying teaching exhibition hall, illustrating the evolution and heritage of our school’s kite-flying lessons.

Inheritance and Passion for Kites

Since Principal Chen Lianxin advocated for the development of kite-flying lessons, successive principals such as Zheng Chunfu, Zheng Qifang, Lin Qinghuo, Cai Zhongqing, and Tu Renxiong have all supported and endorsed this folk sport teaching. Additionally, principals like Wen Furong and directors like Li Xinqi, Jian Guangcan, Hu Taida, and Liu Hongxiong have also vigorously supported the development of kite-flying lessons during their tenures, providing strong backing for our school’s kite-flying education to continue for over twenty years. Of course, we must not forget the most important pioneer—teacher Liu Xixun. Although retired, he still cares about the development of our school’s kite-flying activities, guiding and assisting with the kite-flying lessons, and his enduring commitment to kites is truly worth emulating.

As the saying goes, “One generation plants the trees, another enjoys the shade.” The development of kite-flying at our school has evolved from its humble beginnings to the establishment of a kite-flying teaching exhibition hall, presenting tangible results. The journey has been like drinking water, where only those who taste it know its warmth or coolness. It is undeniable that entering this field unintentionally years ago has sometimes felt like a grand event where only a few fly kites while most watch. This could be because creating a successfully flying kite involves science, aesthetics, crafting skills, terrain, weather, and the tacit cooperation between the flyer and the assistant, making many shy away from this field and turning kite-flying into a solitary joy for a few, which is truly regretful.

As kite master Huang Jingzhen said, “Every successful work is a treasure in the creator’s heart; they fulfill the creator’s dreams and encourage the creator to face the next challenge.” Perhaps it is this constant realization of dreams and the encouragement to face new challenges that have allowed kites to endure for thousands of years. As we celebrate our school’s centennial, under the leadership of current principal Shen Chunmu, our school will continue to move towards the next hundred years. In the next century, we believe that kites will continue to soar alongside the people of Siling!



緣起  沿革








傳承  箏情






keywords 關鍵字

More 進階學習

Do you know what's fun to do outside? Flying a kite. You let the kite go up in the sky and hold a string. The kite moves with the wind, and it looks pretty flying high. You can make it move by pulling the string, like playing with a friend in the air. It's a fun way to spend time outside and enjoy the fresh air. So next time you're outside, try flying a kite and see how much fun it can be!


Looking for a fun outdoor activity? Flying a kite is a classic pastime that anyone can enjoy. Did you know that kite flying dates back over 2,000 years? It's not just fun; it's good for you too. Kite flying promotes physical activity and reduces stress. Plus, it's a great way to spend time with friends and family. When you fly a kite, you can feel like you're playing with a friend in the air. So why not grab a kite and head outside? It's a simple activity that can provide hours of fun and relaxation.
